New Version IconVersion 21.2.5 - 2021 Edition (25th November 2021)

    • Updated Punjabi song titles (#6, #14, #27, #40).
    • The Publishers Database had been updated. You can now fine-tune if a Student can be used for a Bible Reading / Discussion / Talk. The Student Selector Window will limit the list of publishers accordingly. You will need to review all of your publishers in the database to ensure they have the correct student assignments.
    • Removed the Upgrade Database feature from the Database menu on the Publishers Database window. This was required for users of version 17.0.x which is four years old now.
    • The Weekend Meeting window can now be resized horizontally. This will affect the width of the Assignment History grid.
    • A new Lookup column has been added to the Assignment History grid on the Weekend Meeting window. Click the cell to display available assigned dates (including future).
    • The Assignment History Database now includes the Miscellaneous assignment.
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Azure.Core.1.17.0 -> Azure.Core.1.18.0
      Microsoft.Graph.4.2.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.4.9.0
      Microsoft.Graph.Core.2.0.2 -> Microsoft.Graph.Core.2.0.5
      Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.35.1 -> Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.37.0
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.6.12.0 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.6.12.2
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging.6.12.0 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging.6.12.2
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.6.12.0 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.6.12.2
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.6.12.0 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.6.12.2
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.6.12.0 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.6.12.2
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.5.0.2 -> Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.6.0.0
      System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.5.0.1 -> System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.6.0.0
      System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.6.12.0 -> System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.6.12.2
      System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.5.0.0 -> System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.6.0.0
    • Internal: Updated Google Email Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.54.0 -> Google.Apis.1.55.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.54.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.55.0
      Google.Apis.Core.1.54.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.55.0
      Google.Apis.Gmail.v1. -> Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.
      MimeKit.2.15.0 -> MimeKit.2.15.1
      Newtonsoft.Json.12.0.3 -> Newtonsoft.Json.13.0.1
      Portable.BouncyCastle.1.8.10 -> Portable.BouncyCastle.1.9.0
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.54.0 -> Google.Apis.1.55.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.54.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.55.0
      Google.Apis.Calendar.v3. -> Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.
      Google.Apis.Core.1.54.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.55.0
      log4net.2.0.12 -> log4net.2.0.13
      Newtonsoft.Json.12.0.3 -> Newtonsoft.Json.13.0.1
      NLog.4.7.10 -> NLog.4.7.12
      NLog.Config.4.7.10 -> NLog.Config.4.7.12
      NLog.Schema.4.7.10 -> NLog.Schema.4.7.12
    • Resolved some minor bugs that were lurking in the background!

New Version IconVersion 21.2.4 - 2021 Edition (3rd November 2021)

    • Resolved critical bug that affected partial translations.
    • Resolved critical bug with Print Preview on the Meeting Editor.

New Version IconVersion 21.2.3 - 2021 Edition (2nd November 2021)

    • A new filter has been added to the Student Selector Window to allow to to filter by publisher notes.(support forum topic)
    • Updated Danish public talk titles (#44, #55, #61, #64, #66, #67, #69, #71, #72).
    • The Discussion with Video window was showing the wrong dates in the history list.
    • Resolved some minor bugs that were lurking in the background!.

New Version IconVersion 21.2.2 - 2021 Edition (10th October 2021)

    • The Weekend Meeting window now supports a Swapping Assignments context menu.
    • Updated Punjabi song titles (#16, #20).
    • Updated Tamil song titles (#12, #18, #32, #80, #86, #88, #96, #97, #104, #117, #139, #143, #144, #146).
    • Updated Danish public talk titles (#24, #26, #34, #36, #40, #47, #54).
    • Updated Finnish public talk titles (#21, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #33, #34, #35, #36, #40, #41, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #53, #54, #55, #61, #64, #66, #67, #69, #72, #113).
    • Updated Indonesian public talk titles (#7, #15, #26, #27, #29, #34, #40, #41, #47, #93, #98, #104, #145, #180).
    • Updated Italian public talk titles (#66, #67, #69, #71, #72).
    • Updated Portuguese Brazil public talk titles (#24, #25, #41, #43, #44, #45, #46, #48, #49, #50, #51, #53, #54, #55, #64, #66, #67, #69, #71, #72, #113).
    • Updated Romanian public talk titles (#3, #4, #6, #8, #9, #11, #12, #13, #14, #19, #20, #21, #22, #24, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #35, #36, #83, #96, #98).
    • Updated Turkish public talk titles (#19, #24, #25, #27, #28, #29, #30, #32, #33, #35, #36, #38, #41, #43, #45, #46, #48, #49, #51, #52, #53, #56, #113).

New Version IconVersion 21.2.1 - 2021 Edition (25th September 2021)

New Version IconVersion 21.2.0 - 2021 Edition (9th September 2021)

    • Updated Punjabi song titles (#17, #54, #74, #97).
    • Updated Arabic public talk titles (#41, #43, #44, #45, #46 and several more).
    • The Discussion with Video assignment history table was displaying different Lookup cells in bold if you toggled back and forth between the views using the tab bar.
    • The Discussion with Video assignment history table now displays how many times that each brother has previously given that assignment in square brackets.
    • An exception was being raised when monthly workbook volunteers were trying to send the data by email. This issue was specific to those using gmail addresses with Connect to Google. This issue has now been resolved.
    • Internal: Updated Google Email Nuget Packages:

      MimeKit.2.14.0 -> MimeKit.2.15.0

New Version IconVersion 21.1.9 - 2021 Edition (18th August 2021)

    • Updated Afrikaans Public Talk titles.
    • Updated Afrikaans translations for the custom S-89 assignment slip template.
    • Updated Afrikaans translations (for the user interface and installer).
    • Updated Punjabi song titles (#30, #50, #60, #88, #96, #104, #151).
    • Updated Tamil song titles (#11, #14, #24, #25, #34, #36, #46, #64, #65, #78, #113, #114, #118, #123, #142).
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Microsoft.Graph.3.35.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.4.2.0
      Microsoft.Graph.Core.1.25.1 -> Microsoft.Graph.Core.2.0.2
      Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.33.0 -> Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.35.1
    • Internal: Updated Google Email Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.52.0 -> Google.Apis.1.54.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.52.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.54.0
      Google.Apis.Core.1.52.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.54.0
      Google.Apis.Gmail.v1. -> Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.
      MimeKit.2.13.0 -> MimeKit.2.14.0
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.52.0 -> Google.Apis.1.54.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.52.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.54.0
      Google.Apis.Calendar.v3. -> Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.
      Google.Apis.Core.1.52.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.54.0

I would like to thank our Afrikaans brother for coming forward again to continue with translations and monthly workbook data.

New Version IconVersion 21.1.8 - 2021 Edition (4th August 2021)

    • It was not possible to synchronize with Public Talks 21.0.1. This has now been resolved.
    • Updated English Public Talk titles (#66, #67, #69, #71).

New Version IconVersion 21.1.7 - 2021 Edition (28th July 2021)

    • The behaviour of the ALT + SHIFT + W hotkey in the Assignments Editor has been changed. It will now automatically select the active schedule template in the File Explorer window.
    • The behaviour of the ALT + SHIFT + W hotkey in the Meeting Editor has been changed. It will now automatically select the active schedule template in the File Explorer window.
    • Added a new Open File Location button to the Restore Settings window.
    • The software now retains the last three months of Special Event data (unless you delete the events yourself). We decided to do this so that schedules which older special events would still display correctly.
    • Updated Tamil song titles (#56, #66, #72, #100, #103, #108, #122, #137).
    • Updated English Public Talk titles (#44, #54, #55, #64).
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Microsoft.Graph.3.32.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.3.35.0
      Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.31.0 -> Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.33.0
    • Internal: Updated Google Email Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.51.0 -> Google.Apis.1.52.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.51.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.52.0
      Google.Apis.Core.1.51.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.52.0
      Google.Apis.Gmail.v1. -> Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.
      MimeKit.2.12.0 -> MimeKit.2.13.0
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.51.0 -> Google.Apis.1.52.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.51.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.52.0
      Google.Apis.Calendar.v3. -> Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.
      Google.Apis.Core.1.51.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.52.0

New Version IconVersion 21.1.6 - 2021 Edition (18th June 2021)

    • Updated Sesotho (South Africa) translation.
    • Updated Indonesian Public Talk titles.
    • The Reset feature on the Materials window is now called Reset Week and has a new set of menu options.
    • The software (HelpNDoc) used to build the Online Help system (HTML) has been upgraded. There is now an inline table of contents for each topic. Click the ... at the top of any topic to see a list of all the headings / sub-headings for that topic. Use this menu to rapidly access a section of that topic.

New Version IconVersion 21.1.5 - 2021 Edition (11th June 2021)

    • Duty Assignment History for Host and Co-Host assignments was not displaying on the Single Column window.
    • Sing Out Joyfully to Jehovah in Punjabi. The minimum start date for your schedule must be July 5, 2021. Further updates will be made to the song titles as and when the remaining songs are made available on the website.

New Version IconVersion 21.1.4 - 2021 Edition (30th May 2021)

    • The Special Events manager now warns you if you forget to Apply Changes before selecting another special event.
    • Added a Help button to the Videoconferencing window.
    • A tooltip is now displayed when you hover the mouse over the Videoconferencing button on the Special Events manager window.
    • Added a Copy Event button to the Special Events manager window.
    • The Meeting Editor now automatically looks for new special events when opening existing MWB schedule files.
    • You can now fine tune the displayed list of publishers on the Publishers Database window by using a new drop-down filter menu.
    • A new text filter has been added to the Publishers Database window. This filter allows you to limit the displayed list of publishers by name.

New Version IconVersion 21.1.3 - 2021 Edition (18th May 2021)

    • Updated Russian translation.
    • The Availability feature was not working on the Discussion with Video window.
    • Internal: Updated Boost to version 1.76.0
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Microsoft.Graph.3.27.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.3.32.0
      Microsoft.Graph.Core.1.24.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.Core.1.25.1
      Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.27.0 -> Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.31.0
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.5.0.1 -> Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.5.0.2
      Newtonsoft.Json.12.0.3 -> Newtonsoft.Json.13.0.1
    • Internal: Updated Google Email Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.50.0 -> Google.Apis.1.51.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.50.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.51.0
      Google.Apis.Core.1.50.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.51.0
      Google.Apis.Gmail.v1. -> Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.
      MimeKit.2.10.1 -> MimeKit.2.12.0
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.50.0 -> Google.Apis.1.51.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.50.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.51.0
      Google.Apis.Calendar.v3. -> Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.
      Google.Apis.Core.1.50.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.51.0
      NLog.4.7.8 -> NLog.4.7.10
      NLog.Config.4.7.8 -> NLog.Config.4.7.10
      NLog.Schema.4.7.8 -> NLog.Schema.4.7.10

New Version IconVersion 21.1.2 - 2021 Edition (5th May 2021)

    • Foreign Language Group calendar sync issue for the new Discussion with Video items. (support forum topic)
    • The Swap Assignment feature was not always showing the correct dates in the popup message.

New Version IconVersion 21.1.1 - 2021 Edition (10th April 2021)

    • The underlying S-89 XML data now includes the Material for the Bible Reading and Bible Study student items. You can customize your S-89 template as desired to display this information on the slips.
    • Unable to stop the Submit Download Statistics pop-up window from displaying.
    • Set custom duration for Discussion with Video assignments.

New Version IconVersion 21.1.0 - 2021 Edition (22nd March 2021)

    • Checking for update now displays the most recent items from the Revision History.
    • You can now configure checking for updates automatically.
    • Updated several public talk themes (in Danish).
    • Updated several public talk themes (in Italian).

New Version IconVersion 21.0.9 - 2021 Edition (15th March 2021)

    • Added the public talk theme (in Sesotho) for outline #24. This is the special talk for 2021.
    • Refined the Assignment History window. Active Assignment mode will only include history for those in the drop-down list. Full History mode will also include anyone else who previously had this assignment. In addition, all future assignments are listed in bold text.
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Microsoft.Graph.3.21.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.3.27.0
      Microsoft.Graph.Core.1.23.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.Core.1.24.0
      Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.24.0 -> Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.27.0
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.5.0.0 -> Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.5.0.1
    • Internal: Updated Google Email Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.49.0 -> Google.Apis.1.50.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.49.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.50.0
      Google.Apis.Core.1.49.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.50.0
      Google.Apis.Gmail.v1. -> Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.
      Portable.BouncyCastle.1.8.9 -> Portable.BouncyCastle.1.8.10
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface Nuget Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.49.0 -> Google.Apis.1.50.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.49.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.50.0
      Google.Apis.Calendar.v3. -> Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.
      Google.Apis.Core.1.49.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.50.0
      NLog.4.7.6 -> NLog.4.7.8
      NLog.Config.4.7.6 -> NLog.Config.4.7.8
      NLog.Schema.4.7.6 -> NLog.Schema.4.7.8

New Version IconVersion 21.0.8 - 2021 Edition (9th March 2021)

    • Fixed some bugs related to Assignment History and Discussion Video Assignments.
    • A Quick Select feature has been added to the popup list of meeting dates (see Quick Summary of Assignments  and Print Preview for more details.
    • The Quick Summary of Assignments feature now displays a popup window for you to select which weeks from the schedule to include in the summary.
    • The Submit download workbook statistics now also submits the version of the software (e.g. 21.0.8).
    • Fixed a bug with the Weekend Meeting window. The Co-host drop-down list was not remembering the list of names correctly.
    • Fixed a bug with the Workbook-S-140-PublicTalk-WatchtowerStudy-ServiceTalk-Videoconference template. It was not displaying the Host / Co-host for the weekend meeting during the visit of the Circuit Overseer.
    • Updated the public talk theme (in English) for outline #24. This is the special talk for 2021 and it still had the old theme.

New Version IconVersion 21.0.7 - 2021 Edition (28th February 2021)

    • The Meeting Editor now has a facility to Submit download workbook statistics. This is entirely optional and you are in complete control. Submitting data whenever you download workbook content will help us see how actively the application is being used in the languages that it supports. If you can opt-in it would be appreciated.

New Version IconVersion 21.0.6 - 2021 Edition (12th February 2021)

    • The Videoconference information was not being saved to the database when using Set Special Event within the Assignments Editor.
    • Fixed issue with Uninstaller.
    • You can now indicate the type of the videoconference. This affects what is displayed on the schedule.
    • Using Refresh on the Meeting Editor preview context menu was not working like Refresh on the View menu.
    • You can now Include next weeks students in the Concluding Comments section of the Chairman's Worksheet Notes. This feature is off by default and can be changed using the new Set Defaults sub-menu found on the Options menu. Click the link to find out more.

Note IconThe Worksheet-Next Students 2019 template has now been removed as it is obsolete.

    • You can now Add remaining time to the Concluding Comments. This feature is off by default and can be changed using the new Set Defaults sub-menu found on the Options menu. Click the link to find out more.
    • The Host / Co-host assignments were not synchronizing correctly with Outlook Calendar.

New Version IconVersion 21.0.5 - 2021 Edition (28th January 2021)

    • Public Talk outlines updated in Danish (#41 #43).
    • Public Talk outlines updated in English (#49 #50).
    • Fixed bug with the Workbook-S-140-PublicTalk-WatchtowerStudy-ServiceTalk-Videoconference styles for displaying the schedule in Arabic.
    • Fixed bug with the Workbook-S-140-PublicTalk-WatchtowerStudy-ServiceTalk-Videoconference schedule template. It was not showing the Host / Co-host for the Weekend Meeting during normal weeks.
    • New Custom--S-140--Student Assignments templates have been added. This has been primarily added to make it easier for you to send student assignments by email.
    • Fixed couple of bugs with the Overview of Foreign-Language Group mode mode (display of Song Titles and Study Descriptions).
    • Internal: Updated all NuGet Packages.

New Version IconVersion 21.0.4 - 2021 Edition (16th January 2021)

    • The following assignments have been added to the Swap Assignments menu:
      • Host
      • Co-host
      • Third Living As Christians
    • Fixed bug with display of Student Item Information on the Select Publisher window. This issue affected users of Partial Translations.
    • Fixed bug with the Workbook-S-140-PublicTalk-WatchtowerStudy-ServiceTalk-Songs template.
    • You can now include Chairman's Notes on the Worksheet.

New Version IconVersion 21.0.3 - 2021 Edition (7th January 2021)

    • Incorrect times were showing on the Chairman’s Worksheet (support forum topic).

New Version IconVersion 21.0.2 - 2021 Edition (3rd January 2021)

    • Weekend Meeting assignment history column headings were always showing in English.
    • The Discussion with Video assignment now supports Assignment History (support forum topic).
    • Public Talk outlines updated in Arabic (#24).
    • Simplified the drop-down list of Student Assignment Types on the Material Assignments window. They now list (in this order):
      • Initial Call Video
      • Return Visit Video
      • Initial Call
      • Return Visit
      • Bible Study
      • Talk

Any Custom Student Assignment Types are included, unsorted, at the end of the lists.

    • If you use Check for Update, and the software needs to perform an upgrade, it will temporarily stop trying to perform any Automatic Backup when shutting down.

New Version IconVersion 21.0.1 - 2021 Edition (23rd December 2020)

    • The Spiritual Gems and standard Student Item descriptions are now updated when you change the Foreign-Language Group mode.
    • Make the location of the meeting related to the language group (support forum topic).
    • The Meeting Editor was not correctly detecting when the S-89 11/20 Templates had been installed.
    • There is a 1 minute delay sometimes on the schedule (support forum topic).
    • The Foreign-Language Group mode was not resetting the Methods drop-down list.
    • Internal: Updated internal libraries (Boost version 1.75.0).

New Version IconVersion 21.0.0 - 2021 Edition (16th December 2020)

    • A new button, Edit discussion with video assignments, has been added to the Apply Yourself to the Field Ministry section of the Meeting Editor. This displays a new window for you to select who will handle the new Discussion with Video assignments.
    • New options have been added to the Assignments Material window to cater for the new Discussion with Video assignments. The material for these new assignments are provided by monthly workbook data volunteers.
    • Several new validation error checks have been added to the Monthly Workbook data - Validation  process. This system is used by our monthly workbook data volunteers.
    • The context menu used on the HTML Preview was always showing in English.

Meeting Schedule Assistant 20.0