Options Menu

Options menu

Backup Settings

Use this feature to create a ZIP archive that contains all application settings and report style sheets. Should you update the software or use VisitsRota on another computer you can transfer this file by using the Restore Settings feature.

Restore Settings

Use this feature to restore a ZIP archive created from another VisitsRota session or computer. It will update the application settings and install all archived style sheets.

Notes IconNote that any default style sheets held in the archive will be replaced by the latest versions that were installed with the application.


VisitsRota can be used in several languages.

Notes IconPlease let me know if you would like to translate VisitsRota into another language. Use the Contacting Me help to do this. I would love to hear from you!

Help Menu

Help menu

About VisitsRota

Version and contact details can be found here.


Display the help documentation.

Check for Update

This is an easy way to see if there is a new version of VisitsRota available (in the current interface language). Your computer will need to be connected to the Internet to use this feature. It will download the update and start the installation process automatically.

Notes IconIt is recommended that you periodically check for program updates!