How do you customize the CSS styles?

Here are some reasons why you might want to customize the existing CSS styles:

  1. You are including custom content on your schedule and you created new classes.
  2. You want to enhance an existing class in a way that the Report Settings window does not support.

Worked Example

Task: You want to set a background colour and surrounding border for the Report Title. These settings are not exposed on the Report Settings window (scenario 2).

Step 1

  • Start the Assignments Editor by creating a new schedule or opening an existing one.
  • Select the Preview tab.

Preview tab

Step 2

  • Select "SRRSchedule" from the Styles list.

Step 3

  • Right-click the schedule and select View -> CSS from the context menu and it should open the stylesheet in the built-in text editor.

Context menu > View > CSS

Step 4

  • Save the stylesheet with a new name (File > Save As File ...). Rename it by added a suffix (eg: "-v1"):

Save as

Step 5

Add the following class to the end of the new document:

.textReportTitle {
    background-color: #ffa500;
    border: 1px solid #000000;

It shouuld now look like this:

Code snippet

Step 6

  • Save the CSS file and close the Script Editor.

Step 7

  • Right-click the schedule and select View -> XSL from the context menu and it should open the template in the Script Editor.
  • Save the template with a new name (File > Save As File ...). Rename it by added a suffix (eg: "-v1"):

Save as

Step 8

  • Change the name of the linked CSS file to the new file. Do this by locating the line which has the word link:

Code snippet

Step 9

  • Save the template and close the editor.

Step 10

  • Select the new style from the droplist:
