Customising the Worksheet
Short tutorial that explains how you can show additional information on your Midweek Schedule.Continue Reading
These are short tutorials that explain how to do certain tasks with my Theocratic Software.
Short tutorial that explains how you can show additional information on your Midweek Schedule.Continue Reading
It is possible to change the information that is displayed on this report. Detailed information can be found towards the end of the Advanced Customisation help topic. How To Do It Step 1 Bring up your File Explorer and navigate to your User Application Data folder. The easiest way toContinue Reading
S-89 Assignment Slips – Script Customization Recently I was asked the following question: This would be easier to implement for the Workbook and Worksheet views because they have a dedicated setting: <!–?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?–> <!–?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Workbook-S-140 – start.xsl"?–> <meetingworkbook> <settings> <languagecode>en</languagecode> <editormode>1</editormode> <direction>ltr</direction> </settings> <!– Remaining content removed forContinue Reading
When you try to use the S-89 Assignment Slips for the first time you are presented with this message: Once you have received the ZIP file from me and downloaded it to your computer you can proceed with this tutorial: Continue Reading
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