Meeting Schedule Assistant v19.0.0 is now available

Meeting Schedule Assistant Logo with white background
(Click to enlarge)

I am pleased to announce that there is a new version of Meeting Schedule Assistant available. This edition includes updates to the Hindi song titles.

Also, you know doubt heard that there are going to be some changes to the Midweek Meeting beginning 7th January 2019. These changes were announced at the Annual General Meeting held in October. Here is the official announcement. There is also an official document with Midweek Meeting Instructions on the website. 

As a result changes needed to be made to Meeting Schedule Assistant to support these new adjustments to the meeting format.

The schedules saved with this version (MWB Files) are not binary compatible with earlier versions of the software. Old schedule files can still be opened but will be upgraded when you save them.

Student Material Window

Several changes have been made to the Students Material window:

Students Material Window
The new Students Material window
  • You can now specify the study number for each student assignment. These are provided for us in the Meeting Workbook’s. The drop-down list is based on the new Reading and Teaching brochure.
  • There now a new Apply Yourself to Reading and Teaching section. Tick this option and then select the study from the drop-down list. This item is 10 minutes in duration and is presented during the first week of the month.
  • A fourth student item has been added.
  • Each student assignment is now optional (use the checkbox). This is required because there are a different number of assignments each week:
Week 11 student item
Week 24 student items
Week 3, 4 & 53 student items
  • Any student item can now be assigned as a Talk.

Please be aware that Monthly Volunteers will be providing the above information for you. So for many of you all you you need to do is press F6 to download the Workbook information.

You will only need to make the above changes each week if there is no Monthly Volunteer for your language.

Students Window

Several changes have also been made to the Students window.

  • A fourth student item has been added.
  • The Information Panel has been moved over to the right and now includes the study number reference.
  • All study number drop-down lists are disabled and auto-populated from the Students Material information.

Viewing Selected S-89 Slips

Viewing Selected Slips

The Assignment Slips window has also been revised. It  now includes the fourth student assignment.

Workbook Templates

S-140 Template Week 1

The default S-140 templates installed with the program have been updated to display the following informaton:

  • Study number references.
  • Reading and Teaching assignment.
  • Fourth student item.

Template Customization

Are you using customized S-140 templates? Then you have two ways to upgrade them. You can copy the newly supplied template and add your customizations again to this new file. Or, you can upgrade your existing template to include the new syntax.

In the following template I have added |StudyPointDescription to the end and then added the two highlighted lines to display the reference:

Next, you need to add this new template:

Now you need to add the new Teaching template:

You will also need this new template:

Finally, you need to add one line to the following (as highlighted):


If you look closely at the above script you will see that we have introduced a new class into the CSS files:

.textStudyNumberReference { /* Uncomment to hide the study number reference */ /* display:none;*/ }

The default S-140 Worksheet templates have also been updated and so have the other templates but it is beyond the scope of this article to provide full details about the changes that are required.

Students Menu

The Students menu will no longer be available from 7th January 2019. It has been decided that these features will be redundant.

Students Menu
Students Menu

Latest Download

Meeting Schedule Assistant (32-bit)
Meeting Schedule Assistant (32-bit)

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

Deprecated Operating Systems

These operating systems are no longer supported:

  • Windows 7 (Service Pack 1)
  • Windows 8.1

You can still download the last supported version of Meeting Schedule Assistant (which was 23.1.0) from here. But this version is no longer maintained. You are encouraged to use version 23.1.1 or higher.

Size: 21.4 MB
Version: 25.4.0
Published: 06/03/2025

(Or use the Check for Update feature available from the Help menu)


  1. Thank you Andrew for the new version!

    If I want to download the workbook data of december, I get a Error message: StudentTalk4Material.
    Do I need to re-upload the workbook data with the new version?

    1. Author

      I am sorry for the confusion. I spent so much time of getting the program to support reading old MWB files that I forgot about actually downloading schedules prior to January. I think the easiest way forward is for you to open the XML file in Notepad++ and modify the content for each week in November and December. For example:

      [cc lang=”xml” highlight=”2,7,13″ width=”100%”]

      Joh 20:1-18
      Play and discuss the video
      Use the sample conversation
      bhs 79 ¶21-22​—Invite the person to the meeting.

      Initial Call Video
      First Return Visit
      Bible Study
      Initial Call


      Can you see the three lines that I have added? If you add those then it will read in OK.

  2. Dear Bro,
    thank you for the new version .. I get the same error as Peter and tried to modified the XML file .
    In my case, I modified the MWBData_FRA.XML file . Is it right ?

    If so, it seems that is not working :
    After modification , according to your last message, I re open the software and try to create new MWB file from 31/12/2018 to 31/01/2019 .
    But I want to download the workbook data of, I get a Error message: StudentTalk4Material.

    1. Author

      Sorry for the problems. This is because when you press F6 it downloads the current file from my website and overwrites yours. I will fix it later tonight and send you a comment when it is ready.

    2. Author

      The French data has now been updated so November and December should work OK now when you use the F6 function key.

      1. Andrew ,
        thanks a lot ! Everything seems going fine now ..

        regards !!

  3. Dear Brother,
    Once again I need help from your side. I don’t know if it’s the right place ..

    I’m using the the template “”Workbook-S-140-PublicTalk-WatchtowerStudy-ServiceTalk” which is working very well .
    But I wondering to add at the bottom of the file the duty assigment as micro, sound ,plateform, etc..
    I red many topic in the help online and I feel there s the solution how to do, but frankly speaking I’m a little bit lost.

    I d like to have a weekly program including all data : MSA , Public teach, duty assign . One page for one week full program

    Do you think is possible , and how to do ?
    thank you

    1. Author

      Hi. If you have a look here you will see a sample script that includes the assignments from history. You can either use this script or extract the parts required to use in your other script.

      Please note that I have not released a new version of this custom script that supports the extra student assignment for 2019 yet. But there is nothing stopping you from extracting the assignments bit. Please let me know if you need any more help with this.

  4. Hi Andrew,
    I ll try to modify the script accordingly .
    I ll let you in touch .

    Thanks a lot !
    Philippe .

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