
My goal is to make our responsibilities more manageable and, ideally, free up some time for other important priorities. If this helps you, then it has successfully served its purpose!

Public Talks 23.0.3

Public Talks is designed to assist Public Talk Coordinators. It is very easy to maintain congregation and speaker data and prepare schedules.

Public Talks

There are several standard schedules to choose from and you can also create your own with the internal Script Editor.

  • Congregation data can be synchronised with other Public Talks users, making it very easy to keep the database up to date.
  • Send scheduled assignments to your online calendar. Google is supported.

Meeting Schedule Assistant 25.4.3

Meeting Schedule Assistant

Meeting Schedule Assistant offers a versatile Assignments Editor for creating schedules tailored to various needs, from managing departments like ‘Sound’ to organizing attendants’ rotas.

It features a specialized Meeting Editor, enabling users to download schedule content (availability varies by language) and generate personalized schedules efficiently. Additionally, the software facilitates the printing of S-89 assignment slips.

  • Synchronize seamlessly with Public Talks, automatically preventing duplicate assignments by excluding individuals already allocated to other tasks on the same date.
  • Send scheduled assignments directly to online calendars, with support for Google and Outlook/Outlook365 calendars.

Important to Note

S-89 template files are not bundled with the application. Please send a PDF copy of your slip via email to receive the template files along with instructions. Alternatively, you can submit your PDF file using the Contact Form.

Visits Rota 22.0.0

Visits Rota has been designed to assist you in preparing simple schedules for:

  • Visiting the elderly and infirm
  • Shepherding

This way, all in the congregation have a share in visiting our elderly and infirm and it ensures that shepherding is done decently and by arrangement.