Congregation Hyperlinks
It allows you to change the hyperlink associated with the currently selected congregation or speaker. |
The following type of hyperlink are supported:
- file://
- http://
- https://
- mailto:
Specify the URL as required.
Make sure you click OK to save your hyperlink setting to the database!
How can a hyperlink be useful? Here are some suggestions:
1. Keep a set of directions to a Kingdom Hall:
2. Keep the Coordinator or Speakers email address:
3. You might have a file on your computer with directions and details:
The only thing to remember is that the hyperlink is limited to 255 characters. This is a limitation of Microsoft Access. If you find this to be a problem then you might like to consider using This is a handy way of making a very long hyperlink into a very short hyperlink! Then you could keep the shorter hyperlink within the database. Let me know if you need any other URL type added into the drop-down list. |
The Browse button is only enabled when file:// is selected. Then you can simply navigate to the file you want to link to. However the same limits apply as previously stated regarding the number of characters.